Given our basic belief that everyone deserves to live a good life, we are conducting different programs, outreaches, missions, and projects for those who are in need. The work we try to accomplish depends on the present needs of those who are less fortunate. We are proactive in our approach in the sense that we are actively seeking out ways to address the needs of concerns of those who are in need.
Since our establishment in 2005, we have been helped many communities by providing for their necessities. Despite the difficulties in our work, we here at Come to Macedonia Society of America are dedicated to giving more to those who have less. The service we provide focuses on the less privileged communities of the United States and Africa, especially Nigeria.
The goal we have set is difficult. To some extent, eradicating the hindrances to a quality life is ambitious given the extent of poverty, underdevelopment, and lack of privilege that some societies experience. Regardless, we are finding ways to make a difference.
We could use all the help we could get. If you are interested in contributing to our cause, we encourage you to help out.
How You Can Take Action